Pathway to Peace in Crisis
Two great Resources
20-Minute Preview
Peace is literally possible in any situation in life. True, resilient peace that defies the circumstances and the understanding of man is based on Truth and trust. Knowing the Truth about God and then trusting Him is His pathway to peace.
We have created an 8 day Pathway to Peace devotional course and we are giving it away free to anyone who wants more of the peace God has for them. This devotional course relies fully on God to lead each person down a pathway of knowing Him and trusting Him for their peace
Listen to the podcast and then click on the link below for free access to the course. It only requires having a free account on Rock House Connect.
8-Day Devotional Course
Pathway to Peace is an 8-day devotional course designed to move you toward greater peace, no matter what your circumstances are in life. It includes video, podcasts, scriptures, devotions, prayers and beautiful, uplifting and engaging photography to make it a game-changer for anyone seeking more peace.
Rock House Center wanted to contribute to the trying times we’re all facing and whatever challenging times people will encounter in the future after COVID-19 is long gone.
So three days ago, I set about creating an experience for anyone to participate in to receive more of the supernatural peace God has for us all. I promise that if you engage authentically, your relationship with God will prosper and so will your sense of assurance and peace about life.
A pathway to God's peace is the best we have to offer in times of crisis.
We sincerely hope that these resources will be encouraging and edifying to you.
In His Rest,
John Murphy
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